Nagoya Protocol
Compliance with this international standard is important for the development of our productive activities.
It is an international agreement on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their use. We adopted this protocol to meet one of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as it provides a sound basis for the use of these genetic resources and greater certainty and transparency for both providers and users.
Novachem is the second company in Argentina to implement the Nagoya Protocol in one of their products. This motivates us to continue creating innovative products inspired by love and care for the planet, for the well-being of people and for the development of a more sustainable and conscious cosmetics industry.
Through our projects designed with the Huellas para un Futuro Foundation:
- We contribute to enhancement and valorization of biodiversity and productive, landscape and cultural resources.
- We participate in international programs that mobilize the business sector to contribute to the greatest challenges facing the planet and humanity until 2030, through actions to combat climate change, and promote sustainable consumption through innovation.
- We promote the conservation of the world's essential forests and woodlands through practices compatible with sustainable land use.